Don Quixote thinking 

Don Quixote haunted by the ghosts of sanity. It represents the anxiety of, is what he is doing just delusional or is it an honorable cause?

Oil on canvas


The Fisherman

Inpired in the story of the "Old Man and the Sea" 

Oil on canvas


El Garabato

On the carnival, there is the fight between good and evil, between death and happiness. This is the representation of one of the most popular costumes.

Oil on canvas



I wanted to represent the courage, the force we find in ourselves when we feel most vulnerable.



Death of Joselito Carnaval

El Congo
Scene from the Carnival
The Leyend of the Man who tunrn into a Caiman


Farmer in a donkey

A typical farmer from my country, Colombia.

Oil on canvas


Puloi the black woman

One of the typical costumes on the Carnaval of Barranquilla (Colombia).

Oil on canvas


Don Quixote

Again, I show my passion for this character. Here, he reflects a disturb look with a brightness of magnificent madness but with the tenacity of steel.


Caribean girl 


Art in darkness

Mi father used to play tiple (a type of instrument similar to a guitar but with 12 strings), and an harmonica at the same time. Always a sweet memory of the great artist that my father was.

Oil on canvas

Carnaval on the afternoon

Scene from the Carnaval

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